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Saa lisää tietoa alan luotettavilta asiantuntijoilta
Webinar Upcoming, Skin tears
toukokuuta 5, 2020
When skin tears don’t heal as expected
Skin tears are a common injury and not always as easy to treat as we think. During this webinar, Dr. Kimberly LeBlanc will share best practices when ski...
Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Webinar On-demand
huhtikuuta 20, 2020
Dressing selection for DFU
Dr. José Luis Lázaro Martínez leads this comprehensive webinar guiding you through the process of diabetic foot ulcer assessment – from inspection of...
Webinar On-demand
Can topical oxygen therapy promote faster wound healing
What is the most efficient way to use oxygen therapy for chronic wounds? Prof. Dr. Joachim Dissemond and Mrs. Malehlohonolo Mbonani lead this webinar...
Webinar Upcoming
huhtikuuta 27, 2020
Best practice in exudate management in venous leg ulcers (VLU)
Join us in this webinar as Terry Swanson presents the risk factors that can lead to the development of a VLU using the WUWHS consensus document from 201...
maaliskuuta 31, 2020
Surgical wound dressings - Dos and Don’ts
Post-surgical incision care is a vital part of the patient journey and must be optimised, particularly in terms of reducing the risk of infection and...
Pressure Ulcers, Webinar On-demand
huhtikuuta 16, 2020
How can you prevent pressure injuries in the OR, and why is prevention important?
Learn from experts’ real-life experience and evidence-based practice in pressure injury prevention. Join Diane Kimsey as she shares her process...
Webinar On-demand, Skin tears
maaliskuuta 24, 2020
Clinical management of Skin Tears
A skin tear is a wound caused by mechanical forces, including removal of adhesives. It is important for all caregivers to be aware of proper techniques...
helmikuuta 19, 2020
Exudate management: the small details that make a big difference
In this 45 minute webinar, Dr. Paulo Alves will s how an in-depth presentation on how the presence of exudate can be used to influence...
joulukuuta 3, 2019
Healing wounds and promoting patient quality of life - A 30-year legacy with Mepitel®
How can you minimise your patients’ pain at dressing changes and related procedures? Dr. Karen Ousey shares evidence via randomised controlled trials,...
Events, Pressure Ulcers
marraskuuta 20, 2019
Stop Pressure Ulcer Day 2019
Join us as we listen to a webinar led by Dr. Joyce Black and Dr. William Padula to mark the World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day. 20 November, 201...
Learn about pressure ulcer prevention
Leading experts share pressure ulcer prevention best practices, experience, methods and evidence in our webinar series.
Protecting your patients from heel pressure ulcers
Learn about heel pressure ulcers, how they develop, risk factors that can cause them and strategies and algorithms that work to prevent them. Watch...
Occipital Pressure Ulcers: How to protect patients that are hard to reposition
In this webinar, Michelle Barakat-Johnson presents her research and findings on the best ways to prevent occipital pressure ulcers. Watch on-demand
Consistency of Care in the OR
In this webinar, clinical educator Diane Kimsey from the Einstein Medical Center leads a comprehensive discussion on strategies to help multi-disciplina...
Offloading the diabetic foot
In this webinar, Professor Paul Chadwick discusses principles and methods for managing the load on diabetic feet and the challenge of adjusting to each...
Selecting dressings for diabetic foot ulcers
In this webinar, leading DFU expert Professor José Luis Lázaro Martínez explores the key criteria and learn how your choice can promote undisturbed...
How to manage exudate in severe pressure ulcers
In this webinar, Paulo Alves and Professor Amit Gefen take you through the science explaining the properties of exudate and the best ways to manage the...
Webinar On-demand, Venous Leg Ulcer
lokakuuta 9, 2019
Phlebolymphedema: the inter-relationship between the venous, lymphatic and integumentary systems
What happens when the human body’s waste and drainage system doesn’t work as it should? In this webinar, Dr. Heather Hettrick explains the science behin...
syyskuuta 4, 2019
Innovatiivista hoitoa diabeetikoiden jalkahaavoille
Tule kuuntelemaan Tohtori David Armstrongin ja Professori Paul Chadwickin keskustelua innovatiivisista ja kokonaisvaltaisista ratkaisuista diabeetikoid...
marraskuuta 26, 2018
Ei ole olemassa vain ihorepeämiä
Tule kuuntelemaan tunnin mittainen webinaari (sisältäen live Q&A:n) ihorepeämien hoidosta
Evästeet auttavat meitä tarjoamaan sinulle henkilökohtaista palvelua. Käyttämällä sivustoamme hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Voit kieltää evästeiden käytön klikkaamalla tästä.